
Aspiring Criminal Can’t Contain Himself, Immediately Launches Epic 12-Part Crime Series Featuring Elaborate Heists...

In a shocking turn of events, a local man has decided that waiting to commit crimes is for chumps. He boldly declared his intention...

Local Man Mistakenly Believes Sperm Whale Just Trying to Scan Him for Wi-Fi Connection

In an extraordinary case of aquatic miscommunication, marine biologist Dave Chandler claims a curious sperm whale attempted to 'scan' him for Wi-Fi while he...

Local Alien Claims They Can’t Find America On Map—Is It Real?

In a shocking turn of events, a self-proclaimed alien has confessed to being completely clueless about American culture—despite being intrigued by the nation's pancake-eating...

Donald Trump Jr. Spanks Zelenskyy for Allowance Cuts, Proposes ‘Budgeting for War’ Lecture

In a bizarre twist of geopolitical ridicule, Donald Trump Jr. took to social media to mock Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, suggesting a cut in...

Local Man Confirms Universe’s Total Lack of Sense Makes Absolutely No Sense to Him

In a groundbreaking moment of existential clarity, one bewildered local has voiced an opinion about the universe that has left everyone scratching their heads....

Desperate Measures: Trump’s Border Czar Announces Nationwide Workplace Raids with Clown Car Logistics

In a shocking escalation of workplace immigration policy, Trump’s newly appointed ‘border czar’ has unveiled plans for ludicrously extravagant immigration raids that will sweep...

Nation Substitutes Phub Ban with Mandatory Abstinence Classes Taught by Former Adult Film Stars

In an unexpected twist, a nation grappling with a ban on adult content is now opting for a rather quirky solution: mandatory abstinence classes...

Nation Offers Free Permanent Residency In Exchange For Bizarre Talent Show Audition

Imagine a world where the path to instant citizenship isn’t just paved with paperwork, but instead involves performing the moonwalk while reclining in a...

Inside Norway’s Maximum Security Prisons: A 5-Star Resort for Criminals or Just Really Nice...

Norway’s maximum security prisons have become the material of a bizarre vacation brochure. With facilities resembling luxurious hotels and activities including yoga classes and...